Saturday, November 21, 2009

Seems anytime things go well, and I announce the wellness of the going, i get the shaft.... does this ever happen to others?

Seriously, seems when i am all happy and grateful and expressive, i get a swift kick in the junk that floors me. We crave all this love in our lives yet all that manages to do is complicate things.

I am all about experience and the effing journey, but why cant i just be happy and have someone be happy for me? why do i have to be questioned, insulted and whipped for my choices that serve me?

I have been extermely busy. my day is never planned, try as i might. As a matter of fact, i wake up everyday without a job. Everyday I stress that I might not make enough money to get through the week. And everyday I do. I have become very humbled and grateful of running my own business. I also work extremely hard for what I do. and the amount of hours I am working are limited, which limits my income.

I am also seeing the payoff, they are coming back. I have clients calling once a week and some twice a week. I generally work on men and they are generous to me. I want them to keep calling....

I miss writing and i havent done it in so long. I have lost touch with people in my life and miss them. waa waa waa. In reality, my life is SO wonderful, just feels dumpy this hour. I want my happy ending.

When everything changes, change everything....


Shelly Rayedeane said...

Keep the faith. Everything happens for a reason. It is all about perspective. Sometimes distance is a good thing. The universe might not be shafting you at all.

Love with every drop of your heart and the rest will follow.

I hope you have a lovely holiday !

your psycho ex-girlfriend said...
