Sunday, April 26, 2009

You did it again...

We took the girls camping at an indy kinda music fest this weekend. oh yeah. Lots of booze and pot and filthy hippies. Well we had booze but no pot and the filthy hippie thing just kinda became the statement of the weekend.

We also met up with 20 other people mostly the BF's buds and some of mine too. We all had a great time lots of catching up and drinking and music.

I blogged a few months back about doing something drunkin and terrible. One of those few regrets in life that I never intended to happen that hurt the BF and holds a lot of pain and remorse for me. Well that event happend at this same festival last year.

It was one of those drunk-what-the-hell-happened things that you are only told about but dont remember... yeah that. The other person was there. He is a friend of one of the bf best friends.

It was late Friday and we were settling in for a night of more of the same partying and hanging out. While I sat there talking with friends the BF was going into the door of our RV and the guy approached the bf and said " I have wanted to apologize to you for a year". At that same moment I just received a phone call. I told my friends what was going on and took the phone around the back of our camp and burst into tears of sadness and regret. I knew the BF would do nothing else but forgive him. While I talked to my friend trying to explain this event and what was going on, the bf came over and hugged me and only said " When you forgive you heal. And I love you and I dont want you to cry"

The guy wanted to talk to me but I couldnt. The bf wanted me to talk to him but I was a mess about it. I wish I could have asked him now, what happend that night and how did this ever come about. But I didnt.

This changed our relationship. We grew as a couple somehow. Sometimes we learn the most from the hardest times in our lives and become stronger in the mind and softer in the heart.

You are an amazing man, my love.


your psycho ex-girlfriend said...

i heart you MoMo!

i am jealous you have rooster sometimes but all the time i am happy you have someone who loves you and will always be there for you.

i am still jealous but hey, i guess when i quit dating married men who may or may not be gay i will have a better chance at having someone who is actually available when i need them.

your psycho ex-girlfriend said...

the gays love MoMo too...and you made the one gay cry cause he misses scottsdale...i told him he was worse then a chick and to shut the f up. he cried harder.

NicePeace said...

I love gays too, and even more do I love a emo gay! oh sweet!

And I love poolside funday sunday!

The BF said...

Thank you Babe. I love you!

your psycho ex-girlfriend said...

i wish you were here so i could pour beer all over your half naked body! it is not as much fun to pour it on myself with no one to lick it off ya know....

compulsively yours...for now said...

am i in the right place? i feel frightened...hole me or hold choose.

i need a dose of r mail yo.